Equestrian Showing Online

The Results Are In...
Winning rosettes and prizes without leaving the yard!

JUNE 2022
Judged from all the Arena Champions - THE SUPREME CHAMPION of the show is...
Congratulations to
Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie
Winner of both Class 7 Mountain & Moorland and Class 19 Solid colour. Superbly presented and a lovely example of the breed. Well done.

Judged by Jenny Johnson BD List 5
ED1 Unmounted Test 2 (walk only)
Sponsored by Papercuts By Hannah https://folksy.com/shops/PapercutsByHannah
1st Sarah Jane King & Shandy 71.4%
2nd Donna Shimwell & Keith 70%
3rdmHayley Carter & Cwmstar Charlie69.8%
4thAmanda Doherty & Nobby 66.1%
4th Lynda Bullock & Boody 66.1%
ED1 - Intro C(2016)
Sponsored by @Attempting To Dressage (Instagram)
1st Becky Webb & Llanidan Portia 69.6%
2nd Georgia Vickers & Cassie 68.3%
3rd Rebecca Maher & Abanderada Xl 68.1%
4th Donna Shimwell & Cassie67.4%
5th Rachel Gisby & Midnight Storm 66.5%
6th Amy Doherty & Nobby 65.1%
7th Emma Hayes & Fairfax Fletcher 63.31%
8th Emma Hayes & Yasser Arafat 63.1%
ED2 - Prelim 2 2016
Sponsored by Conchie Saddleryhttps://www.conchiesaddlery.co.uk
1st Michelle Collins & Rusheen Paddy 74.3%
2nd Ruby Dennett & Aynsome Spring Storm 67.8%
3rd Rebecca Maher & Abanderada Xl66.6%
ED3 - Novice 24 2016 (revised) Novice League
Sponsored by Spencer Memorial
1st Holly Joyce & Obi 65.4%
2nd Ruby Dennett & Aynsome Spring Storm 62.21%
Judged by A Tomlinson
ED4 - Elementary 42 2008
Sponsored By Global Showing The Online Horse Show www.globalshowing.co.uk
1st Ruby Dennett & Aynsome Spring Storm 64.1%
ED6 - Training Tests PYO
Kirsty Brown & Simply Charlotte (Intro B) 68.04%
Amy Doherty & Nobby (P7) 59.31%
Ali Taylor & Joey (P18) 70.57%
Hannah Hughes & Thunderpants (P7) 62.04%
Emma Hayes & Yasser Arafat (DI Intro C) 59.52%
(Lots of excellent constructive feedback on these sheets)
Sponsored by The Mane Show - www.themaneshow.co.uk
1st Scarlett Parkington & Jim 67.11%
2nd Amy Doherty & Nobby 66.32%
3rd Emma Hayes & Yasser Arafat 62.89%
ARENA ONE - Traditional Showing Breeds & Types (Photo Classes)
Class 1 – Best Ridden
Sponsored by The Ripley Collection - Horse & Dog Jewellery www.theripleycollection.co.uk
1. Chloe Richards & Tommy - lovely pony, beautifully turned out and very well ridden by such a small jockey
2. Eileen Brooks & Puma - Beautiful horse.
3. Lucia Slatcher & Frankie
4. Polly Pickford-Swift & Whizz
5. Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
6. Victoria Mccandless & Koolstyle
7. Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
8. Robyn Broughton & Claybank Willow B
Class 2 - Best Inhand
Judged by T. Weston – A stunning collection of horses and ponies
1. Liz Buxton & Millie - Stunning horse, great movement, and conformation
2. Sam Davies & Applejack - Absolutely stunning traditional with gorgeous movement
3. Ami Measor & Stamford pride - Stunning horse
4.Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl - Stunning
5. Polly Pickford - Swift & Oscar
6. Julie Williams & Woody
7. Chloe Richard’s & Bobby
8. Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie
Class 3 - Best Veteran 15+
Judged by T. Weston
1. Sue Knapman & Nanturrian Cue For Magic (30yrs) - Absolutely wonderful condition for age and gorgeous horse
2. Laura Frewer & Revel (28yrs) - Lovely horse and has hardly changed in nearly a decade
3. Lora Hall & Patchwork Beauty (29yrs) - Lovely pony and lovely conformation
4.. Donna Reynolds & Poppy (29yrs) - A very petty pony in good condition for age
5. Lynda Bullock & GeeGee (24yrs) - Lovely pony and beautifully put together
6. Charity Weatherall & Ben(26yrs) Super condition and a lovely traditional
7 Polly Pickford-Swift & Whizz(21yrs) - Stunning pony and great movement and conformation
8 Sarah Jane King & Shandy (28yrs) A super family pony
Class 4 - Youngstock
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Livvy Walsh Walsh & Elvis. What a beautiful foal
2. Claire Artis & Dillano Ovation. Smart pony.
3. Emily Hebron & Franklin
4. Heidi Gaskin & Ruby Tuesday
5. Katrina Chiverton & Cymric Annwyl
6. Yaz Roberts & Imanni Estopa
7. Polly Pickford-Swift & Annie
8. Robyn Broughton & Solgleo
Class 5 – Best All Rounder
Sponsored and judged by Rachel from Nibbleze www.nibbleze.net
1.Cara Docherty & Tyson
2.Eileen Brooks & Burlona
3.Chloe Richards & Tommy
4.Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous
5.Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
6.Lois York & Chocolate Sundae
7.Polly Pickford-Swift & Whizz.
8.Tash & Holly (Sally Bolton)
Class 6 - Alternative Horsemanship
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1st - Claire Artis & Druim Nam Freumh
2nd - Alison Taylor & Joey
3rd - Rhonda Simmons & Billy
4th - Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut
5th - Liz Buxton & Millie
6th - Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
7th - Oscar & Haggis (Heidi Gaskin)
8th - Vanessa Stait & PJ
Class 7 - Mountain & Moorland
Judged by T. Weston
1. Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie. Absolutely stunning pony
2. Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank - A stunning Highland pony. Absolutely beautiful
3. Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl A beautiful Welsh C very true to type
4. Claire Artis & Druim Nam Freumh. A truly lovely Exmoor
5. Lizzie Cameron & Yuandi. Another top-quality Exmoor
6. Polly Pickford-Swift & Bruce. Lovely pony
7. Polly Pickford-Swift & Whizz
8. Julie Williams & Woody - Such a lovely Welsh
Class 8 Dressage Divas
Judged by A. Rawson
1st Victoria McCandless & Koolstyle - Lovely relaxation and energy and the horse looks really happy in his work
2nd Linda Graham & Dalesman Of Combebank - lovely to see a native working so well
3rd Rachel Saunders & Izzie - pleasing energy and relaxation
4th Sarah Washington & Lucian - super energy in all the photos
5th Ebony Standley & Jack - lovely active paces
6th Hannah McNinley & Rock On Roger - active steps with good ground cover
7th Sian Megson & Delta Beat - pleasing frame and steps
8th Chloe Richards & Tommy - pleasing activity
Special: Michelle Brindle & Red - lovely horse showing pleasing energy
Class 9 - Jumping Stars
Sponsored and judged by A.Vizard Airframe Assemblies LTD www.airframes.co.uk
1st Ami Measor & Plucain - Beautiful Jump, really nice outline well done
2nd Hannah McNinley & Rock on Rodger - My goodness he can jump, well done
3rd Alison Taylor & Joey - Looking Keen
4th Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
5th Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie
6th Sharon Maguire & Tamara
7th Lucia Slatcher & Frankie
8th Tash & Holly (Sally Bolton)
Champion: Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie
Reserve Champion: Cara Docherty & Tyson
ARENA TWO - Colours, Condition & Conformation (Photo Classes)
Class 11 - Condition and Turn Out
Sponsored Equine Answers Premium Supplements www.equineanswers.co.uk
Judged by T. Weston. A very difficult class to judge, excellent standard. Well done to everyone
1. Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl - Absolutely lovely condition and turnout.
2. Marybeth Walker & Black Beauty - Lovely concours ensemble. Excellent
3. Liz Buxton & Millie - Eexcellent turnout and great lesson in plaiting
4. Ami Measor & Stamford Pride - Fabulous condition and both turned out well
5. Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous. - Beautiful condition and what a shine
6. Cara Docherty & Tyson - A lot of work goes into keep traditionals in this condition
7. Chloe Richard’s & Tommy - Well turned-out pretty pony and immaculate rider
8. Polly Pickford - Swift & Oscar - Very good condition and both well turned out
Special: Robyn Broughton and Claybank Willow
Class 12 - Prettiest Mare
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Heidi Gaskin & Ruby Tuesday
2. Donna Reynolds & Darling
3. Elinor Honeybun & Little Polly Pocket
4. Marybeth Walker & Bethje Star Sport
5. Polly Pickford-Swift & Annie
6. Rebecca Black & Nutkin
7. Nicola Macey & Luna
8. Donna Reynolds & Darling(2)
Class 13 - Handsome Gelding/Stallion
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank - What a handsome pony, very smart and such a kind eye
2. Sam Davies & Blaenpant Tiny - very smart Traditional
3. Carol Ashman & Ollie
4. Diane Mackarsie & Kidbys Lucky Ted
5. Julie Williams & Woody
6. Kelsey Officer & Oatie
7. Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
8. Paige Perrett & Joey
Class 14 - The Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1st - Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
2nd - Rachael Hurd & Kimi & Tiff (both ponies)
3rd- Rebecca Claire Black & Merlin
4th - Devin & Zaylie (Lois York) & Lil’ Rock
5th - Chloe Richards & Tommy
6th - Donna Reynolds & Darling
7th - Oscar & Haggis (Heidi Gaskin)
8th - Claire Evans Watkin & Casper
Class 15 - Best Head Shot
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
Huge entries and fantastic headshots. Well done everyone.
1. Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie
2. Diane Mackarsie & Kidbys Lucky Ted
3. Julie Williams & Woody
4. Kelsey Officer & Oatie
5. Marybeth Walker & Bethje Star Sport
6. Paige Perrett & Joey
7. Claire Evans Watkin & Basil
8. Carol Ashman & Ollie
Lizzie Cameron & Yuandi
Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie
Class 16 – Trottastic
Judged by A. Rawson
1st Sam Davies & Blaenplant Tiny - super activity and freedom
2nd Eileen Brooks & Urogallo - super activity and energy
3rd Robyn Broughton & Gelliniog Kairon - super active trot with great reach
4th Heidi Gaskin & Ruby Tuesday - pleasing energy and freedom
5th Sara McComb & Maggie May - lovely relaxed frame and steps
6th Julie Hooton & Buster - lovely active steps and pleasing relaxation
7th Vanessa Staight & PJ - active and supple steps
8th Lora Hall & Patchwork Beauty - active paces and pleasing ground cover
Class 17 Best Canter /Gallop
Judged by A. Rawson
This was such a hard class to judge as some really super entries
1st Alison Taylor & Joey - this photo shows such character and fun along with great energy
2nd Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut - lovely uphill balance and freedom
3rd Heidi Gaskin & Ruby Tuesday - super activity and energy
4th Lucia Slatcher & Frankie - super energy and balanc
5th Julie Williams & Woody - great energy
6th Polly Pickford & Swift and Annie - what a delightful pair
7th Cara Docherty & Tyson - you both look so happy here and it's a super active canter
8th Ami Measor & Stamford Pride - pleasing energy and activity
Class 18 Best Halt 2022
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Marybeth Walker & Bethje Star Sport
2. Hannah McNinley & Rock on Rodger
3. Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut
4. Julie Williams & Woody
5. Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie
6. Sara McComb & Maggie May
7. Lucia Slatcher & Frankie
8. Cara Docherty & Tyson
Special: Diane Mackarsie & Kidbys Lucky
Class 19 - Solid Colour
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1 Polly Pickford-Swift & Alfie. Absolutely beautiful animal in great condition, immaculately presented.
2 Chloe Richards & Bobby lovely example beautifully turned out.
3 Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl
4 Nicola Macy & Luna
5 Sue Knapman & Nanturrian Cue for magic
6 Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
7 Laurie Lamontagne & Peanut
8 Marybeth Walker & Black Beauty
Champion: Sam Davies & Blaenplant Tiny
Reserve Champion: Marybeth Walker & Bethje Star Sport
ARENA THREE - Breeds & Types (Photo Classes)
Class 21 - Best Newcomer
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Michelle Brindle & Floyd
2. Ebony Standley & Oreo
3. Rachel Mcllroy & Mojo
4. Faith & Dougal (Sharon Maguire)
5. Lora Hall & Patchwork Beauty
6. Honeybun & Little Polly Pocket
7. Sky Jackson & TwosdayElinor
8. Kirsty Brown & Simply Charlotte
Special: Kirsty Croft & Hendricks
Class 22 - Best Calendar Shot: June
Sponsored and judged by Hannah from Paper Cuts by Hannah. Well done everyone who entered, they were all lovely summery photos! I really struggled to decide on my winner between the top 3 (I kept changing my mind!) so I’d like to offer a voucher to 1st, 2nd and 3rd – pop me a message if you’d like to have a chat about it!
1. Linda Graham and Dalesman of Combebank
2. Sue Knapman and Nanturrian Cue for Magic
3. Sharon Maguire and Diva
4. Julie Williams and Woody
5. Diane Mackarsie and Kidbys Lucky Ted
6. Heidi Gaskin and Ruby Tuesday
7. Laurie LaMontagne and Oatie
8. Nicola Macey and Luna
Class 23 – Make Me Smile
Sponsored and judged by Rachel from Great Duntan Farm Track Livery www.greatdunton.co.uk
1 Kelsey Officer & Hector & Sadie
2 Eileen Brooks & Educado
3 Emily Hebdon & Franklin.
4 Chloe Richards & Tommy
5 Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
6 Rebecca Black & Izzy
7 Sara McComb & Back2Black
8 Rachel Mcllroy & Mojo
Class 24 – Between The Ears
Sponsored and judged by Totally Turmeric www.totallyturmeric.co.uk
1 Victoria McCandless & Koolstyle
2 Lucia Slatcher & Frankie
3 Sharon McGuire & Dougal
4 Sara McComb & Back2Black
5 Rebecca Middleton & Angel
6 Kate Longwood-White & Izidro
7 Ebony Standley & Edward
8 Sue Knapman & Nanturrian Cue for Magic
Class 25 - In Memory Of ...
Sponsored and judged by Cotswold Jewellery https://www.cotswoldjewellery.co.u
Thankyou for all your gorgeous photos of your special horses, very touched and judging was really difficult!
1. Carol Ashman & Avonvalley Jeep
2. Sharon Maguire & Jack
3.. Sara McComb & Milo
4. Robyn Broughton & Claybank Willow B
5. Donna Reynolds & Twinks
6. Rachel Mcllroy & Jackson
7. Lucia Slatcher & Major
8. Paivi Paakkonen & Pineriver's Miss Demouche
Class 26 - Father's Day Special
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1.Rebecca Middleton & Dad & Angel
2.Paige Perrett & Colin Perrett & Joey
3.Anna & Letia O'Gorman + Dad
4.Ebony Standley & Jack
5.Billy Jo Howe & Harry
6.Rachael Hurd & Miles, Kimi & Tiff
7 Rebecca Black & John & Merlin
8.Lucia Slatcher + Andrew & Frankie
Class 27 - Family Portrait
Judged by The Mane Show Judging Team
1. Lois york & Family
2. Paige Perrett Mum, Dad & Joey
3. Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie
4. Lara Ellis-Dennett & Suzie
5. Eileen Brooks & Orgullosa & new foal
6. Robyn Broughton & Family (human & horse)
7. Billy Jo Howe & Mum & Pumpkin
8. Lucia Slatcher & Denise & Frankie
Class 28 - Perfect Ponies
Sponsored and judged by Jo from Star Equine & Animal Edit
1.Chloe Richards & Tommy - what a beautiful pony who also looks like a lot of fun ! just perfect!
2.Toby Robeson & Lady(Jessica)
3.Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie
4.Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
5.Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
6.Diane Mackarsie & Kidbys Lucky Ted
7.Lynda Bullock & Gee Gee
8.Sue Knapman & Nanturrian Cue for Magic(14.1)
Class 29 Pet of the Month
Sponsored by Kobees Kookies
1. Rose Dennett & Tess
2. Kelsey Officer & Arlo (9wks)
3. Heidi Gaskin & Wilf
4. Farrah & Apollo(Sharon Maguire)
5. Molly Sharpe & Peggie
6. Diane Mackarsie & Alfie (7yrs)
7. Ebony Standley & Pets
8. Elspeth & Greedy ( Abigail Cone)
Champion: Chloe Richards & Tommy
Reserve Champion: Michelle Brindle & Floyd
Class 31 In Hand Showing (Video)
Judged by H. Sharples
Lovely class to judge, all well-presented and a good variety of types. Well done to all.
1. Rachel Saunders & Storm
2. Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
3. Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut
4. Allison Morrison & Ragtime
5. Laurie Lamontagne & Oatie
Class 32 – Clear Round (Video)
Judged by H. Sharples
1. Lexie Butterworth & Stamford Pride - A great round with lots of scope
2. Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut - Looks like a lot of fun here and enjoying himself
Thank you for all your wonderful entries, see you next month!