Equestrian Showing Online


How it works and the Rules
Classes are entered using photos or videos of your horses (ponies, donkeys & mules too). We aim to make showing fun and accessible to all by offering a huge variety of classes, for both ridden and non-ridden equines: past and present, and removing many of the traditional restrictions regarding tack or show attire!
There really is something for everyone and every equine - it doesn’t matter what you and your horse get up to in “real” life, you will find a class to enter at The Mane Show.
Offering a new Schedule of classes each month covering everything from traditional showing classes, to fun and wacky themes!
The schedule is split into 4 arenas with championship classes:
Arena 1: Traditional Showing, Breeds & Types
Arena 2: Colours, Conformation, & Class
Arena 3: Fun Classes
Arena 4: Inhand and Ridden showing Videos
Our team of around 20 judges are all professional equestrians, covering all imaginable equestrian disciplines, who each bring their skill, knowledge & experience to The Mane show. Judges are rotated each month for most classes to allow for your entries to be judged under a different eye each time. For some of the fun classes, where no equestrian or technical knowledge is needed we open the opportunity for those who have dedicated a class to help with the judging. See our sponsors page for more details.
Rosettes are awarded to 8th place alongside a winner's prize for each class. Some judges may also award a "special" placing rosettes where they feel the entry is especially deserving of it.
Those placed 1st & 2nd in each class will be automatically entered in to the Arena Championship class.
Champions & Reserve Champions will be chosen from each arena and will be awarded luxury Championship rosettes.
A Supreme Champion will then be chosen from the Arena Champions and awarded our super special Supreme Championship rosette and Sash.
How to Enter:
1. Choose your class from the current schedule
2. Email or Facebook message your image or Youtube video link
3. Include the class number, horses name, postal address and Paypal email address (bank transfer also available)
4. Just wait for the results.
We also run an annual points based accumulator competition, giving you the opportunity to win more rosettes and prizes! Every time you are placed in a class, you are awarded points on the accumulator score board. Full details can be found here.
Online Showing entry fees: £3.50 per photo entry and £5 per video entry
You can ride in your everyday tack & clothes, there are no bit restrictions, and you are also welcome to ride bitless
No artificial aids other than martingales are permitted
Whips and spurs are allowed
You do not need to ride in an arena
Please do NOT enter a video that you have previously entered
You are welcome to enter as many classes as you like
Your horse should remain in the centre of the video at all times
You should aim for the horse to be filling no more than half of the height of the picture where possible
Video in the best possibly quality that your device allows
Sound to be recorded
The video must remain recording continuously from just before the horse begins until after the final halt
The picture to be close enough so that it is clear to be seen by the judge
Use in the best quality possible that your device allows