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Entries close at 8pm on the 4th March - Results will be published as soon as score sheets are returned

Please note: All entries to The Mane Show will appear in the public domain and by entering you are accepting this condition.


We run an annual points-based ACCUMULATOR competition, giving you the opportunity to win more rosettes and prizes!

Every time you are placed in a class, you are awarded points on the accumulator score board. Full details can be found here.



Horses, ponies, donkeys & mules are ALL welcome

Everyday Dressage Entry Fee: £11 per class 

Rosettes to 6th place in each class and the winner receives a prize



Class ED01  Unmounted Walk Test 6 (2022)    Download Test

Lead Rein, lnhand, Long Reined or Driven       

First prize: A Mane Show Equestrian Medal



Class ED1 Introductory Test 1 (2024) (Walk and Trot) Sponsored by Linda Graham

For those dressage beginners - Ideal for young unbalanced horses and novice riders.

Lead rein and novice riders and horses that are not yet able to canter on a 20 metre circle under test conditions.

First prize: First prize: A Mane Show Equestrian Medal



Class ED2 - Prelim Test 1 (2024)

Sponsored by Conchie Saddlery

For those progressing from Intro level. 

Horses and riders that are more established in walk, trot and canter and able to canter on a 20 metre circle under test conditions.

First prize: A Mane Show Equestrian Medal



Class ED3  Ridden Walk Test 9 (2023) Download Test

To be ridden in walk

First prize: A Mane Show Equestrian Medal


All British Dressage Test Sheets can be purchased from British Dressage or,


All dressage tests can be found in "Files" on the Everyday Warm Up Arena Facebook page or requested by email.




Please note: All entries to The Mane Show will appear in the public domain and by entering you are accepting this condition


DRESSAGE ENTRIES - £11 per class - Gift vouchers accepted 


IMPORTANT - Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your entry and payment is received.


1. Please ensure that you have read and understood the RULES for Everyday Dressage entries:

Refunds cannot be given if the judge is unable to mark your test or elements of your test due to incorrect videoing/poor quality. You CANNOT enter a video that you have previously entered to our Everyday Dressage classes or any other online platform..

2. Ensure your video privacy settings are set to public

3a. Upload your video: to YouTube & send your video link/YouTube URL by private message to or by email:

Please do NOT send the actual video by email or private message as it will be too long.

4.  Your email MUST also include the following information, so we can link your entry with payment:

  • The class number

  • Your name

  • Your address

  • Horses name

  • PayPal email address

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