Equestrian Showing Online

The Results Are In...
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Online Showing Results
Judged from all the Arena Champions - THE SUPREME CHAMPION of the show is...
Congratulations to Esme Hanna & Coedywern Tegid. Beautifully presented Exmoor showing excellent condition and trueness to breed. Well done

ARENA ONE - Traditional Showing Breeds & Types
Champion: Kate Croft & Seal
Reserve Champion: Florence Golec & Bunny
Arena One Winners
Class 1 – Best Ridden Horse or Pony
1st Ami Measor & Stamford Pride.
Beautifully ridden and presented
2nd Stacy Miller & Mounthazel Lad (age 19).
Super all round horse.
3rd Caitlin & Milly (Amy Linklater).
Super genuine pony and nice rider skills
4th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank.
A super all round Highland
5th The Golec Children & Bunny
Lots of fun going on here
6th Sophie Beale & Gem
Nicely presented
Class 2 - Best In Hand Horse or Pony
Judges comment; A lovely class of quality horses/ponies.
1st Florence Golec & Violet Grange Picturesque.
2nd Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
3rd Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl Welsh Sec C Stallion.
4th Lynda Bullock & Leo
5th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank.
6th Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut.
7th Katrina Chiverton & Derwen Sior Welsh Sec D Gelding
8th Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous.
Class 3 - Best Veteran age 15 + Sponsored by The Ripley Collection - Horse and Dog Jewellery
Judges comment: Lovely condition on all of these veterans, a credit to you all.
1st Shanice Hutton & Farah (40yrs)
2nd Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin(38yrs)
3rd Katrina Chiverton & Crofter of Crendell (27yrs).
4th Donna Reynolds & Poppy (31yrs)
5th Sabrina Doidge & Mumma Mia (28yrs).
6th Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie (27yrs).
7th Sarah Rees & Guinness (25yrs)
8th Kate Croft & Seal (20yrs).
Class 4 - Golden Oldies
Judges comment: What a super class, and lovely to see everyone getting enjoying their horses in different ways. Happy people and happy horses, age is no barrier to enjoying time spent with our horses. Well done to everyone, no easy task to judge.
1st Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie (Combined age 90yrs).
2nd Lynda Bullock & Lizzi (Combined age 102yrs).
3rd Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank (Combined age 89yrs).
4th Donna Reynolds & Poppy (Combined age 84).
5th Gary Chiverton & Derwen Sior (Combined age 74yrs).
6th Liane Jarman & Frank (Combined age 73yrs).
7th Jo Thompson & Ludo (Combined Age 69)
8th Sabrina Doidge & Mumma Mia. (Combined age 63yrs)
Class 5 - Best All Rounder Sponsored and judged by Rachel at Nibbleze
1st Florence Golec & Bunny.
2nd Stacy Miller & Mounthazel Lad (age 19)
3rd Caitlin & Milly (Amy Linklater).
4th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank.
5th Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut.
6th Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin.
7th Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous.
Class 6 - Heavy Breeds, Cob/Cob Types
1st Kate Croft & Seal. Absolutely lovely show cob, with a wonderful head and neck.
2nd Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
Really lovely Highland and very true to breed.
3rd Sara McComb & Texas. What a lovely traditional cob with lovely movement.
4th Sara McComb & Black2Black
5th Nicola Macey & Luna
6th Romany Burn & Cassie
7th Zara Davis & Puzzle
8th Ali Taylor & Joey
Emily Calvert & Marty.
Class 7 Showing Stars
1st Ami Measor & Stamford Pride. Stunning horse with wonderful movement and exceptional colouring.
2nd Linda Graham and Dalesman of Combebank
Absolutely beautiful Highland.
3rd Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut. A very special mini.
4th Katrina chiverton & Cymro Annwyl
5th SaraMcComb & Back2Black
6th Florence Golec & violet Grange Picturesque
7th Caitlin & Milly
8th Katrina Chiverton & Derwen sior
Stacey Miller & Mounthazel
ARENA TWO - Colours, Condition & Conformation - Photo Classes
Champion: Esmee Hanna & Coedywern Tegid
Reserve Champion: Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
Arena Two Winners
Class 9 - Condition and Turn out - Sponsored by Equine Answers https://www.equineanswers.co.uk/
Judges comment; beautifully presented and all showing super condition for their type and job they are doing. Well done to all.
1st Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
2nd Romany Burn &. Cassie
3rd Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl Welsh Sec C Stallion.
4th Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut.
5th Ami Measor & Stamford Pride.
6th Ali Taylor & Joey
7th Katrina Chiverton & Derwen Sior Welsh Sec D Gelding.
8th Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous
Class 10 -Best Solid Colour
1st Esme Hanna & Coedywern Tegid lovely stamp of a pony.
2nd Katrina Chiverton & Cymro Annwyl gorgeous
3rd Diane Wynne & Tydfil Major
4th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
5th Caitlin & Milly ( Amy Linklater)
6th Paige Perrett & Dolly.
7th Melissa Middleton & Mr P
8th Laurie Lamontagne & Oatie
Kate Croft & Seal A super horse but requires a full photo with feet included.
Class 11 – Best Open Coloured
1st Esme Hanna & Purple Rein. Beautiful correct pony and such Beautiful colouring.
2nd Florence Golec & Violet Grange Picturesque. She’s seriously picturesque!
3rd Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
4th Liane Jarman & Frank.
5th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Comberbank
6th Romany Burn & Cassie
7th Kerry Ross & Buddy
8th Zara Davis & Puzzle.
Class 12 - Natural Portrait
Judges comment: Outstanding, so many natural beauties, well done.
1st Liane Jarman & Henry.
Stunning portrait
2nd Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie.
3rd Ruth Muller & Chili
4th Lynda Bullock & Lizzy.
5th Helen Robb & Crystal
6th Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin.
7th Sarah Rees & Guinness
8th Sarah Hall & Megs.
Class 13 - Best Halt
1st Jo Marsden & Thorneyside Chester
2nd Paige Perrett & Dolly
3rd Kayleigh Ferreira & Lucy
4th Helen Robb & Shannan
5th Katrina Chiverton & Derwen Sior Welsh Sec D Gelding
6th Caitlin & Milly (Amy Linklater)
7th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
8th Monique Powell & Billy Elliot.
Class 14 - Sponsored and judged by Rachel from Rachel's Makery & Co
What a fantastic class Best Canter or Gallop has been. a very hard class to judge, lots to consider. Taking into account the title of the class, some amazing photographs capturing these treasured companions were submitted. All beautiful horses. A pleasure to judge.
1st Ali Taylor & Joey
2nd Laurie La Montagne & Captain Courageous
3rd Lucy Bowden & Burley
4th Emily Calvert & Marty
5th Caitlin & Milly
6th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
7th Laurie La Montagne & Peanut
8th Jo Marsden & Thorneyside Chester
Nicola Macey & Luna
Class 15 Perfect Peepers
Lovely entries very hard to judge you all deserved to win.
1st Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
2nd Laurie Lamontagne & Oatie
3rd Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combeback
4th Jenny Riley & Nellie
5th Jodie Kerr & Millie
6th Sarah Rees & Guinness
7th Zara Davis & Puzzle
8th.Donna Reynolds & Winky Woo
Orianne Finke & Royal Ulster
ARENA THREE - Fun Classes - Photo Classes
Champion: Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
Reserve Champion: Ava Wilden & Jack
Arena Three Winners
Class 17 - Horse of The Month
Judges comment: First, I want to say what a hard class this was to judge! So many different people with different horses and their achievements and the bond demonstrated that they have made through the years. It was really tough to place.
1st Ami Measer & Stamford Pride
2nd Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank
3rd Paige Perrett &Dolly
4th Caitlin & Milly
5th Sabrina Doidge & Mumma Mia
6th Shanice Hutton & Farrah
7th Billy Joe Howe & Pumpkin
8th Ava Wilden & Jack
Donna Reynolds & Winky Woo
Class 18 - Best Photo Edit
Judges comment; Love these edits, showing lots of artistic skills, and imagination. Well done everyone.
1st Paige Perrett & Dolly
2nd Jo Marsden & Kilcobben Stuarts Star.
3rd Donna Reynolds & Winky Woo.
4th Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
5th Izzy & Daisy (Hazel Steele)
6th Helen Robb & Milo
7th Jo Marsden & Thorneyside Chester.
8th Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin.
Class 19 - Best Calendar Shot (September)
Judges comment - Beautiful images relating to September. Well done to everyone.
1st Kayleigh Ferreira & Lucy
2nd Paige Perrett & Dolly
3rd Helen Robb & Apollo
4th Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous
5th Monique Powell & Billy Elliot
6th Stacy Miller & Mounthazel Lad
7th Zara Davis & Puzzle
8th Jodie Kerr & Millie
Billy Jo Howe & Pumpkin
Class 20 Horses at Home - Sponsored and judged by Rachel at Great Dunton Farm track livery
1st Hazel Steele & Tilly & Daisy.
2nd Florence Golec & Violet.
3rd Sarah McComb & Patch & Texas.
4th Helen Robb & Horses.
5th Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous.
6th Linda Graham & Dalesman of Combebank.
7th Sarah Rees & Guinness.
8th Donna Reynolds & Winky Woo.
Class 21 – Proud Moments
This was a very difficult and varied class to judge. Everyone should be super proud of their lovely horses and their achievements.
1st Emma Hayes & Almaz & Yassa. That’s a challenging ride and such a hot day. Great achievement. Well done.
2nd Ava Wilden & Tod huge congratulations nursing him back to health.
3rd Sabrina Doidge & Mumma Mia - such a worthy achievement.
4th Ami Measor & Stamford Pride - a very proud moment
5th Sara Rees & Guinness - proud to have your horse at your wedding
6th Shanice Hutton & Farah - much love here.
7th Florence Golec & Violet -well done, great achievement.
8th Sophie Beale & Maggie. Something you will always remember.
Class 22 In Memory - Sponsored and judged by Andrea from Airframe Assemblies Ltd
Judges comment: These are all very special horses that mean so much, they have enjoyed wonderful lives looking at all these heart warming photos. Thank you for sharing your memories.
1st Sarah McComb & Maggie & Milo
2nd Katrina Chiverton & Crofter of Crendell
3rd Billy Jo Howe & Lil Man
4th Helen Robb & Shannan
5th Donna Reynolds & Darling
6th Paige Perrett & Spyro
7th Sophie Beale & Pebbles
8th Monique Powell & Sweep
Ava Wilden & Tod.
Class 23 Just For Kids
Judges comment; What a fabulous class and great to see everyone and all ponies having so much fun. Well done to everyone.
1st Ava Wilden & Jack.
2nd Sidney Golec & Bunny and Violet.
3rd Izzy & Pepsi (Hazel Steele)
4th Caitlin & Mickey & Milly (Amy Linklater).
5th Sophie Beale & Maggie
6th Jack Wilden & Marli, Ludo & Jack
7th Charlie Golec & Bunny
8th Helen Robb & Crystal
Paige Perrett & Dolly.
Ava Wilden & Marli
Ava Wilden & Tod.
Charlotte on her visit from New Zealand with Dabs
ARENA 4 & 5
Class 25 – In Hand Showing (video)
1st Faye Davis & Withypoole Anstey Duke (Exmoor 6yrs)
So much to like, good condition and pleasing movement
2nd Kate Croft & Seal
True to type show cob, well presented.
3rd Ami Measor & Stamford Pride
Lovely big moving horse in super condition
4th Diane Wynne & Martyr Tydfil Major
A star in the making, lovely movement and conformation.
𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝟐𝟔 𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 (𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨) 𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐞.
𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭:
Class 26 Horse Agility - Run in partnership with The International Horse Agility Club and judged by Ellen Cochrane.
Judges comment: Really lovely rounds here, excellent scores from every single entry and wonderful handling. Well done all!
1. Laura Hopkins & Rackwood Jubilee Joy 60/60
1. Ruth Muller & Miss Ed 60/60
1. Ruth Muller & Mary 60/60
1. Ruth Muller & Chili 60/60
2. Laurie LaMontagne & Peanut 59/60
2. Jenny Green & Lucy 59/60
2. Laurie LaMontagne & Captain Courageous 59/60
3. Sue Thompson & Maizie 58/60
3. Laurie LaMontagne & Oatie 58/60
4. Sue Thompson & Ennis Cloud Snowfall 56/60
4. Nancy Souer & Miss Almond Joy 56/60
4. Nancy Souer & M & M 56/60
5. Margaret Gregor & Tweak 55/60
6. Jayne Webb & Millie 52/60
Class 27 Best Dog
1st Dorothy Carling & Bailey
2nd Carissa Lawrence & Enzo
3rd Kayleigh Ferreira & Bella
4th Jack Wilden & Dexter
5th Fiona McMurdo & Glenn
6th Sabrina Arnold & Ellie.
7th Liane Jarman & Dexter
8th Helen Robb & Dexter
Karen Cook & Bumble
Class 28 Best Cat
1st Monique Powell & Pedro Pascal.
2nd Ami Measor & Bertie
3rd Karen Cook & Benjamin
4th Jack Wilden & Cookie
5th Emily Calvert & Willoughby
6th Monique Powell & Koko
7th Karen Cook & Maisie
8th Helen Robb & Trixie
Class 29 Best Calendar Shot (September)
1st Kayleigh Ferreira & Bella.
2nd Diane Wynne & Woody
3rd Fiona McMurdo & Glenn
4th Karen Cook & Bumble
5th Monique Powell & Cheeky
6th Helen Robb & Dexter
7th Kerri Ross & Freddie
8th Ellie Williams & Alfie.
Class 30 Pets With Toys
1st Diane Wynne & Woody
2nd Jack Wilden & Dexter
3rd Dorothy Carling & Bailey
4th Kayleigh Ferreira & Bella
5th Monique Powell & Koko.
6th Helen Robb & Benjii.
7th Ellie Williams & Larry
Class 31 Rescued & Re-Homed
1st Karen Cook & Bumble
2nd Fiona McMurdo & Corey
3rd Helen Robb & Molly.
4th Monique Powell & Meow meow.
5th Ami Measor & Bertie
6th Karen Cook & Maisie& Fifi.
7th Ellie Williams & Spit.
8th Ellie Williams & Ginge
Class 32 Judges Choice
1st Lara Ellis-Dennett & Hugo
2nd Fiona McMurdo & Glenn
3rd Monique Powell & Koko.
4th Jack Wilden & Charlie
5th Kayleigh Ferreira & Bella
6th Monique Powell & Pedro Pascal.
7th Helen Robb & Precious & Petite.
8th Ami Measor & Bertie.
Helen Robb & Flo
Class 33 Wildlife
1st Kayleigh Ferreira & Deer.
2nd Monique Powell & Swan & Signets.
3rd Karen Cook & Robin
4th Carissa Lawrence & Bear (Taken on holiday in Canada)
5th Helen Robb & Swans
6th Hannah Cornford & Shark.
7th Kayleigh Ferreira & Squirrel.
8th Jenny Green & Toad.

The Supreme Championship Entries...